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IGNITE (5 Years -5th gr.)

Our Wednesday night activities have come to a close for this year.  Join us in the fall.

SUNDAY SCHOOL (Pre-K-5th gr.)

Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings throughout the year.  


Kids will use Bible memorization, fun activities, and great stories to dig deeper into the Bible.

Vacation Bible School (Pre-K-6th gr.)

Vacation Bible School has come to a close for 2024.  Thanks to all who shared in a great week of learning about Friendship with Jesus.  We hope this was a great start to your summer and look forward to next year!

NURSERY (Birth- 3 yr.)

The nursery is available every Sunday morning during service.


Kids have access to quality childcare, complete with books, toys, and snacks while you participate in worship.

Parents, here is a strategy to pass down faith in your home through significant Family Experience each year.

Each Family Experiences grade level is full of resources. Along with the videos, there are printable resources for you to use. Each grade includes a Kickstarter, Parent’s Guide, a Developmental Guide, and it’s own unique Resource Materials.



Get Involved

If you have any questions, want to get connected, or want to volunteer, we'd love to talk to you. Contact the church office using our online form, leave a description of how you'd like to get involved, and we'll put you in touch with the right people.

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